Hive World Terra

New Encyclopedia definitions and a new Chief Librarian

Posted on 22nd September 2006 18:36:15 by IBBoard

They may have been delayed by a few days, but some of Simguinus's definitions have finally been added to the website.

Simguinus added another Dwarfish definitions - Zhufbar - a real-world reference for the Apocrypha of Skaros, and new or updated definitions for the Adeptus Astronomica, Chosen, Forbidden Fortress and Astronomican Sacrifices.

Also added was a brief definitions for the ice world of Valhalla by Alexander Kerensky.

In related news, Simguinus is now the Hive World Terra 'Chief Librarian'. He's been a great help with his well researched definitions, and has contributed ideas of how to improve the website via the forums. As such, he now has access to the admin side of the website and will be able to add definitions and news himself from now on, rather than relying on me to approve them!

Thanks to Simguinus for his continued work, and I hope he enjoys his new post.

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