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Warboss Grimjaw Beakie-killa

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Grimjaw is the leader of Waagh! Grimjaw. Once a powerful Nob in a Waagh!, he decided that things weren't being done properly, and so left to set up his own Freebooterz Waagh. Like most Orks, Grimjaw loves noise, and so his favourite weapon has to be his shootier shoota with more dakka. When on full-auto, its highly unlikely to hit anything, but this doesn't bother Grimjaw as its very loud! Grimjaw is also a veteran in close combat and is rarely beaten, as he is not adverse to using the occasional dirty trick.
The Model:
Grimjaw is just a normal Ork Warboss model. At a later date I may give him an Attack Squig, although this will be added on another base, possibly on a cavalry base with a Grot attendant holding the leash!
Grimjaw is painted in mainly natural colours. His clothes are all varying browns, although his loin cloth is red. To achieve a more natural look, rather than dull clothes and a bright loin cloth, I left the deepest shadows as black, higlighted the folds with Red Gore and then painted a thin highlight of Blood Red. This leaves a darker red that stands out, but doesn't dominated. As with the rest of the army, Grimjaw was given a black jaw, highlighted with Space Wolf Grey and then given a black ink wash. This is, along with the natural browns of their clothes, is the unifying feature of the army. Other details on the model include a red studded wrist band and a double line of checks that I painted down the right sholder pad and on the Shootas hand guard. The small triangles on the left sholder pad were painted red with the tips highlighted through to orange.

Big Mek Botchit
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Botchit is Grimjaw's chief mekanik and one of his oldest friends. He has fought with Grimjaw since before he started his own Waagh! and can always be found close to his battle companion. Like all Meks, Botchit is obsessed with tweaking and changing things. His favourite weapon to make is a Supa-Stikkbomb. What else could an Ork want other than a really loud BOOM from his stikkbomb, even the fact that it could kill him as well just adds to the excitement.
The Model:
Botchitt is made from Ork and Orc parts. His main body and legs were chosen from the Ork Boyz sprue, as was his left arm with Slugga. His head and right arm were taken from the Orc Boys sprue. The best head for a Mek is probably the one with the pointed helmet with nose bar (a stereotypical Norse style helmet). For the arm, take the spiked mace and remove the spikes roughly with a knife. Next, score two lines down opposite sides of the remainint cylinder. This makes one huge stikkbomb that looks suitable beaten and impressive and worthy of the name "Super-Stikkbomb". For more details check the Conversion page.
For a paint scheme, browns were used for the clothes, with a red "Spanna" glyph being painted on the back plate. The stikkbomb was given brown and chestnut ink washes to make it look suitably rusted.

Dok Kutsnik
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Grimjaw may be an Ork, but he isn't stupid. He knows how useful a Mad Dok can be in patching up "Da Boyz", but he would never trust him himself. The Dok is always thinking up new ways of merging Ork anatomy with the most destructive weapons possible. Luckily for "Da Boyz", he is currently only practising on
The Model:

Kutsnik uses the Bad Dok Dreggut from the old Gorkamorka game. No conversions needed doing, as the model is good enough as it is, and is not one of the more common Dok models available.
The paint scheme for the Dok was different to the other models in the Waagh. Kutsnik's coat was first undercoated in Space Wolf Grey and then highlighted with Skull White. This made him both stand out and look like an appropriate 'mad scientist' type character. His slothes underneath his coat were painted with a mid-brown to represent leather. The hand in his pocket was first painted green, and then Rotting Flesh was added for highlights to create a pale green, sickly looking severed hand. As well as having his own jaw painted black, Kutsnik's back banner, which features a face with crossed saws, was painted in silver with its own black jaw.

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