Hive World Terra

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Information - Adding a Download
The form below allows you to add a download to the database. The download may not be available straight away, as the administrator may have chosen to view and approve downloads. Please note that by submitting a download for addition, you are not necessarily guaranteed that your download will be made available.
If you own the copyright for an item which has been made available for download, but didn't give your permission, please contact the administration. The website holds no responsibility for providing copyrighted material. By submitting a file you are guaranteeing that the copyright either belongs to you or else you have been given permission by the copyright holder.
Any questionable downloads are liable to be removed by the Administration.

If you want the author to be listed as something other than your username (registered members) or "anonymous" (guests) please enter a name here. If you are a member but want don't want to be recognised as the author, tick the box.


If you want the submitter to be listed as something other than your username (registered members) or "anonymous" (guests) please enter a name here. If you are a member but want the download to appear anonymous, tick the box.

Files larger than 2MB cannot be uploaded using this form.

By submitting a file you confirm that you have properly packaged the submission, provided relevant credits and have permission to redistribute the file. Failure to do so may result in delay or rejection of your submission.