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Halved characters for Dawn of War

Patterns have now been added for halved characters in Dawn of War, making the Angels of Redemption and other chapters now even more possible. Screenshots are available in the Dawn of War Pattern Gallery

Update: links updated to point to their new location at Skins@HWT

By IBBoard on 24th January 2005 11:42:00

Halved pattern for Space Marines

The halved pattern for the Space Marines in Dawn of War has now been completed - for the standard Space Marine at least!

Check out the new Project Gallery for screen shots and then get the halved pattern.

Update: links updated to point to their new location at Skins@HWT

By IBBoard on 18th January 2005 22:45:00

Halved Space Marines appear for Dawn of War!

Well, not quite yet, but almost

Halved and Quartered Space Marine patterns are a Work in Progress at the moment, but the first of the patterns is complete - the halved Predator. The file isn't available for download quite yet (it's 2.5MB alone when zipped!) but click "read more" and you'll see some screen shots.

By IBBoard on 17th January 2005 22:25:00
20 more word(s) -

Dawn of War articles

We now have a new section of articles for Dawn of War. These currently include a pattern/modification FAQ, some pattern creation tips and details of my work in progress with Dawn of War patterns.

Prepare for details and screenshots of my latest creation - the Quartered Space Marine.

Update: pointed links to new location at Skins@HWT

By IBBoard on 11th January 2005 13:45:00

Dawn of War colour schemes, badges and banners from TGSC

I've just uploaded two new banners, three new badges and six new colour schemes for Dawn of War, all from one of our forum members, TGSC.

Some of the new colour schemes require specific patterns and badges to look exactly how they were designed, but it's late here and I'll add them tomorrow (when I've either tested them or prised the details out of TGSC himself!) I'll also add the colour schemes, badges and banners as a packed ZIP tomorrow, making downloading easier for visitors.

By IBBoard on 8th January 2005 23:26:00

Dawn of War Pattern Switcher updated

Following the early alpha release of v1 of the application about a week ago, v1.1 of the Dawn of War Pattern Switcher is now available. Read the download details for more detail of the changes and screen shots of the application.

Update: changed the link to point to the new location at Skins@HWT

By IBBoard on 6th January 2005 22:25:00

Three more Dawn of War pattern files

Three more pattern files have just been added. They were uploaded and ready to go last night, but now they are available to the masses!

The two patterns simply modify the default Space Marine slightly to make a better variety of standard codex marines - one pattern with a winged skull chestplate and one pattern that also has fixed gold and bone skulls and eagles. Also added was a Crimson Fists pattern that allows Crimson Fists and their successors to have the coloured fist of their chapter.

Finally, the previously mentioned Mentor Legion has been renamed. Looking again, it was a good scheme, but it didn't quite match the model. A replacement will be available soon.

Update: removed dead links due to the move to Skins@HWT

By IBBoard on 6th January 2005 13:15:00

First Dawn of War pattern uploaded!

The first of our new Dawn of War pattern files (the .wtp files that over-ride the default areas of colour in the army painter) have now been uploaded! Although the quartered pattern (and the vertically halved pattern) have had to be dropped due to the way the Dawn of War works, the Mentor Legion pattern has been completed and uploaded. The pattern allows you to create your own colour schemes that use the Mentor Legion heraldic layout.

Also, the Dawn of War Downloads section has been re-shuffled so that it now includes an area for Team Colours and Patterns. An area for badges and banners will be added as they get created and sent in.

Update: removed dead links due to move to Skins@HWT

By IBBoard on 4th January 2005 22:54:45

New words in the Encyclopedia

Thank you to whoever added two suggested definitions for words in our Encyclopedia. Apologies if it was you and I took a long time to add them, but it has been the holiday season and I haven't been checking for new words as much as I usually do! The new words have now been added and indexed for everyone to read and search.

Happy Holidays!

By IBBoard on 31st December 2004 16:35:00

Dawn of War utility uploaded

Christmas is over, its nearly the New Year and I'm enjoying the skinning of Dawn of War already! Some new pattern files will arrive later (my first idea is a quartered Space Marine for Howling Griffons and the like) but to help people who have lots of new .WTP files, I've create a Pattern Switcher utility. Read the download page for more information.

Thanks also to the person who submitted the definitions - I know they are there, and I appreciate the effort, but for now I really must run! They'll be added to the main database later.

Happy Holidays!

By IBBoard on 31st December 2004 10:25:00

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